Saturday, October 16, 2010


They call Earth the blue planet. Life began in its waters, and it is water which sustains life.

Do we need those lawns? I, personally, do not find them appealing—just an expanse of artificial green. For those who do, is it worth all the water and headache to maintain them?

Believe it or not, the earth had plants before we came along, and mollycoddled hand-chosen seeds with rich, fertile soil and daily watering. What I’m trying to say here is that we do not need carpet grass and exotic flowers. Why can’t we go with local flora that is adapted to the climate and soil?


  1. Your point about lawns is a particularly pertinent one. I think that it is vanity at its worst. I have a small garden with perennials that need little water. The major part of the garden is covered by stone slabs and natural grass grows or not in between the slabs.

  2. I love that grass growing or not between slabs; nature is an exceptionally good artist, if you let her be.
