Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Dear curt.

dear curt. i hope you ont get ofended i spelt your name wrong. and that this ltter has about a hundred typos. or that it doesnt have a hundred of them, if you actually end up counting. or that i'm writing to you in the first place. uhm, you see, xlnc bade me ask you something, err , i'm sorry , i dont quite remember what. so, yeah, forgive me for htat too. right, bye.

ps: i've also apparently misquoted youir songs. aplologies for that too

pps: xlnc also has a problem that i've only apologized so far, so, uhm, i hope this helps:

ppps: er, nothing.
nothing aint an apology, and all that. 

for those wondering,

xlnc:  no no no.
i found it hard, it's hard to find, well, whatever, never mind.

 me:  found it ard-- what?

 xlnc:  ask kurt.
me:  cobain?
 xlnc:  mm. him.


  1. dear diskordian. I shan't apologize for getting your name wrong, or for doing it deliberately. or for the hundred or so spelling mistakes you will not find here. so I repeated hello about sixteen times, you see, i was bored, and you were not replying. so, uhm, yeah, don't forgive me for that too. right, bye.

    ps: no ps for you. shoo, now.

  2. I like it. diskordian. So badass. Just don't ever use capitals. I hate kapitals.

  3. how low. not HOW LOW.
    or should i write HELLO, not hello.

    whatever. that's how you write kapitals, okay?

  4. no no. HOW LOW. like zat. meh. want a kookie?

  5. exactly how low, love?

    and, well, kookies. yays! waitamin. not peanut butter, are they? #shudders.

  6. no, choco chip. but better than hide-n-seek.

  7. oohz. and they be all soft and krumbly?

  8. sorry, choko chip. and no, not krumbly. these kookies do not krumble.

  9. after all this, still wondering.

  10. you kan have kookies, while you're wondering.
