Saturday, July 23, 2011

Interlude: Rohini

Rohini and the Cat:

One morning, our Rohini found a cozy corner in the park to read her book. It was a remarkably pleasant book, she thought, just like the warm winter day it was. She was startled out of humming ode to joy when she saw a rather ugly black cat staring at her. Disconcerted, she said, "please, monsieur chat, I do not quite know to hum ode to a cat. Will you not be a good cat and go on your way?"

It stayed stubbornly where it was.

"Run along now!"

It did not blink an eye.

"Why, you're as inconsiderate as that stupid cat in my book!" she cried, and pointedly went back to reading it.


For those interested, Rohini was reading Aunts aren't gentlemen, by PG Wodehouse.

1 comment:

  1. I am dipping into this... delightful! (I broke my habit and read the end, so far...) Wodehouse! nice, as is the opening. I won't reveal the end, so far...

