Wednesday, February 9, 2011


1. (As I wrote before,) I belong to my family and friends; I want to be loved, and more importantly, I want to love.
2. I love birdsong, cool breeze, and long walks; I hate crowds and loud noise.
3. I am a rather absentminded creature.
4. I can not stand ambiguity. I'll elaborate in a later post.
5. I admire those who are open and outgoing, and always have something to say to everyone that makes them feel special. I know I'll never be one of them. 
6. I worry too much; one morning, I was accosted(!) by a friend, "you look worried." I managed to mumble something about just being sleepy, but later realized that I was worrying.
7. I fear rejection. It's crippling.
8. I am usually a conformist, but sometimes, I delight in being contrary.
9. Oh, and I always seem to be in some pickle or another. 

1 comment:

  1. just loved this post particularly the 8th point!!-ajita
